Urban Moguls with B

Hitta Slim - Artist out of Richmond, CA

Hitta Slim Season 4 Episode 1

 Hitta Slim explains how he grew up between Richmond & Oakland, CA. Hitta Slim went to Junior High in Oakland but graduated from high school in Richmond. Also, he explains the way people move in Oakland is fast paste and its big enough to not know somebody. Compared to Richmond where it's a smaller town and a lot of people know each other and likely to have mutual friends. Hitta Slim grew up in a single parent home and had a sister who bounced back and fourth from his grandma's house & Dads house on the Eastcoast. As Hitta Slim was growing up and he got involved with the streets he always knew his limitations to how far he was going to take things. He believed in being a leader not a follower and never letting peer pressure get to him. He mentions that alot of his limitations has to do with respecting his mom and not stressing her out because it was already hard enough being a single parent. Hitta Slim has always been an entrepreneur and work many jobs. He mentions that working 9 to 5's was more of a stepping stone and a way to help invest to his dreams. Hitta Slim talks about his relationship with Bay Area Legend, The Jacka. After The Jacka passed away he lost motivation with music and decided to take a step back from it and he started DJing. He mentions how he learned a different appreciation for music after learning how to DJ and everything that comes with it. When he decided to come back to making music he wanted a new identity and went with the name "Hitta Slim". Hitta Slim drops alot of gems in this interview for the artist who are watching and pursuing the music business. He was signed to AWOL records & Sick Wid'it Records owned by Bay Area Legend E-40. Hitta Slim has a long list of working with well known artist out of the Bay Area such as, The Jacka, E-40, Husalah, Iamsu, C-bo etc. Hitta Slim can be found on social media under the name "HittaSlim1" & all music platforms under "Hitta Slim"