Urban Moguls with B

SollyBo - Artist out of Richmond, CA

SollyBo Season 3 Episode 1

Pulled up to Richmond, CA also known as "The Rich" to learn more about artist "SollyBo" and how he grew up in Richmond. SollyBo had both parents in his household and grew up with 2 brothers out of 3. He talks highly about his dad being a good role model to him and teaching him ways as a man. He had a very humble beginning when his dad worked at the shelter, and he would go around every once in a while, and it brightened his horizons knowing that his situation could be worse. SollyBo mentions that he would never try to portray a harder life that he doesn't live. Alot of people do that to make an excuse for themselves. He had both parents in his life and that was something to be grateful for. SollyBo also touches bases on the fact that Richmond is a small city but is very political. He says you don't necessarily have to get caught up in the politics if you just do you. It's also hard to stay away from them though because everyone nearly knows everyone. A couple things that helped him was having a strict mom that was always on him and his brother's case. Also playing sports. Sports takes up a lot of time and doesn't allow you to get to distracted. And last but not least, just being a stand-up person and standing on your morals allows you to be your own persona. SollyBo talks about how he got into music. Learning to play the piano at a young age and taking a liking to rap because it was a way to express himself.